MRI: The latest addition to our radiology department and a gift to the people of Haryana and surrounding area is Haryana’s 1st supercon 1.5 T MRI (Philips Achieva 16 Channel MRI). This machine has the latest high-tech application including Multivoxel Spectroscopy, Whole Body Diffusion Weighted Images (DWI), Cartilage Mapping, Breast Mammography, Spectroscopy and many others. Beside the advantages of unparalleled and ultra fast images, it takes exquisite images of not only the structures in the body but also the metabolic functions of body parts. It takes dynamic high resolution images of the Brain, Abdomen, Pelvis, Peripheral Circulation and Nerves without radiation exposure. It helps in the accurate diagnosis of stroke in evolution, aneurysms, cardiac problems, extent staging of prostate and rectal cancer, spinal cord diseases, bone, joint and cartilage diseases; and is the best tool to delineate subtle sports injuries, renal artery and renal diseases as well.